How To Find Out Your Hair Porosity.

how to find your hair porosity

What Is Hair Porosity?

Hair porosity refers to the ability of your hair to absorb and retain moisture. There are three levels of hair porosity: low, medium, and high. To determine your hair porosity, you can perform a simple test at home:

  1. Take a strand of clean hair and hold it between your fingers.

  2. Slide your fingers up the hair strand, starting from the end towards the scalp.

  3. Observe how the hair feels and looks at each point along the strand.

  • If your fingers slide up easily, and your hair feels smooth and looks shiny, you probably have low porosity hair.

  • If you feel some resistance as you slide your fingers up, and your hair looks and feels healthy, you likely have medium porosity hair.

  • If your fingers grip the hair as you slide them up, and your hair feels rough and dry, you likely have high porosity hair.

Another way to determine your hair porosity is to place a few strands of hair in a bowl of water.

If the hair floats, it is likely low porosity hair.

  • If it sinks slowly, it is likely medium porosity hair.

  • If it sinks quickly, it is likely high porosity hair.

Once you determine your hair porosity, you can tailor your hair care routine to meet your hair's specific needs. For example, low porosity hair may benefit from regular clarifying treatments to remove buildup, while high porosity hair may benefit from deep conditioning treatments to help retain moisture.